Nurse Lifeline
Whether you are a nurse, midwife or healthcare support worker; newly qualified or experienced, student, associate, military, retired, or a family member or friend of someone in the profession, if you want to chat, our volunteer team will be here to listen.
We offer a free and confidential peer-led listening service, available Monday- Friday 7pm to 10pm.
Chatting with us may just give you the encouragement that you need, or it might boost your confidence in seeking ongoing support. We can't provide advice, counselling, or discuss professional issues, but we know that sometimes just talking about your day with someone who understands can be a game changer.
Making sure that our chats with you are confidential is pretty high on our agenda. However, if it any point during our conversation we are concerned about your safety or the safety of someone else, we may ask that you share your details with us so that we can get you the support that you need and we might share these concerns with the emergency services where necessary.