About Stay Alive
This app is a pocket suicide prevention resource packed full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis. You can use it if you are having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide.
Stay Alive is a confidential app. You can view our Privacy Policy to find out more.
Stay Alive was designed and created by charity Grassroots Suicide Prevention. We empower people to help save lives from suicide through connecting, educating, and campaigning nationally. Grassroots Suicide Prevention is not a crisis service.
"Just downloaded and looked through your Stay Alive app which is excellent (I'm a GP putting together information resources to give out to patients who may be at risk of suicide). It's really, really good and I'm so impressed, particularly by ability to add photos from camera roll."
- Dr Helen Ashdown, GP
"This is the next best thing to a friend sitting with me, holding my hand when I am down and out."
- Dr Sangeeta Mahajan
"The Stay Alive app is a life saver. This is not just a turn of phrase, but it actually saves lives of those who have thoughts of suicide"
- Ian Stringer
Thank you to all the people who provided feedback and helped us in developing this app. The development of Stay Alive is continually informed by user feedback and user testing. Stay Alive complies to the six key principles of User Centred Design (ISO 9241-210) so its development is continually informed by user feedback and user testing. If you have any suggestions or feedback please do get in touch with us at app@prevent-suicide.org.uk.
In the unlikely event that you experience any issues with the app, please email us at app@prevent-suicide.org.uk and we will endeavour to work quickly to resolve any problems as soon as possible.
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