The Haven Project - Colchester
One of the essential parts of our service to people with Personality Disorders is to help them feel safe. It is therefore very important to offer the opportunity to ring the service, to come in to the Haven and if needs be to arrange for outreach visits. This has proved in the past to be an invaluable way to avoid admissions into hospital and can limit self- harming behaviour that might require attention at A&E.
- Calls by phone: anyone who is registered with the Haven can call on 01206 572215 if they begin to feel that they are not safe. Two people from our crisis prevention team are here to take the calls. This service is available from Sunday to Thursday from 5pm - 8pm.
- Face-to face contact: If a client feels that telephoning is difficult or simply not enough for them to begin to feel safe again, they can come in for a 1:1 during the same hours. Clients can also ring and arrange for a 1:1 in advance.
- Outreach visit: If a client is unwell or unable to get out and about for reasons to do with their mental health a short series of visits can be arranged to help the client stay in touch during illness or to be enabled to come into the project on their own following support. A risk assessment will be made before the visit can take place and an assessment of the client’s needs will also be conducted over the phone.
Visit the website below to learn more and to access the referral guidance to register.