TalkZone (Lancashire)
If you're struggling to cope with a problem or just want to find out more about a particular subject, you are in the right place. Select an option on our website for more information. If you can't find what you're looking for then contact us. We offer advice and support about things that affect you for example:
- Exam stress or worried about results
- Problems at home/school
- Employment or training options
- Apprenticeships
- Sex, health and relationships
- Housing and money issues
- Bullying
- Mental Health
- Staying safe online
We support young people aged 12-19 (up to 25 for young people with learning difficulties or disabilities). We are availble 365 days a year from 2pm-10pm on phone, text, email and webchat. Calls are free from all landlines and from the following networks - Virgin, 3 and Orange. Other mobile providers may charge.
Just so you know, we need your consent to talk about personal details so we might ask for your permission before we can help you.